Thursday, June 19, 2008

Potential or Porcelain?

Potential or porcelain?

Can I be a promise? Can I be an evolution all my own? Can my potential solidify into reality, creating greater potential? An everlasting quest, a never-ending well of potential?

Can I be pottery? Can I be strong and solid? Can I hold what you thirst for? Can I be molded through fire and flame? Can I be a chalice, vulnerable to the clumsy hands of the jester, while cherished to the guardian's lips?

Would you hide me away from the jokers, locked in a cabinet where only you can see my beauty and know my worth? Would you display me behind glass where others can look and revel, but not hold and know? Would you love me as your own creation and carry me as your favored? Would you drink from me and then fill me back up?

Do I sing the songs of love, but not dance in my own moonlight?

Do I fill and overflow?

Look at me, am I not drenched? Is my oil not ignited and burning so that I myself do not fear the fire?

It is the chill… the cold… the ice… the glacier blue… the dripping from the icicles that terrify me. The frosty discontent of unfulfilled expectations dropped into the porcelain chalice that that makes me so brittle. The cold, cold breath in the air; nipping at the warm fingers and heart, tingling and fighting to stay warm.

Oh! What relentless tragedy that begets! Upon itself it builds as the ice and snow pile, snuffing out the flame within. Oh what relentless fire in my heart! What burning, smoldering, seething fire rains through my love! What hope have I if I allow myself to inhale the potential of winter, when my breath is of faithful fire?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Heart in a Cage

(an ode to my lovelorn friends)

I do believe that you can love someone so much that you can physically ache for them when that love line is severed. When you give yourself, your heart, your love, and you really and truly give it- then it is no longer yours. If you've given it and "it's over" then you have to re-grow your love and your heart. You can feel vulnerable and exposed. Empty and fear the worst will fill that void. Succumb to that fear, let it fill that space that once housed your heart. Cripple yourself as you dissolve into the mire, as you sink and sulk and allow it to consume you- because really, nothing is as glorious as the love that once called you home. And if you can't have that, then what's the point in fighting off the demons longing to live there in its stead?

The thing is, you can't give away what's not already yours. Your heart. Your love. It's yours and it's always there. It always will be there. What determines the power of its presence is how you choose to cherish it. You may have fully given your love, and now you feel incomplete, but you're not. You must nurture what is still there as the piece you kept was merely on accident. You intended to give it all away...

How will you cherish it? Will you hoard it? Will you apply this pain of heartbreak to this piece of heart you have left? Will you grow to believe your heart is something that causes pain? Will you hide it away and never give the best you have to give?

Or will you grow it? Will you take that little piece you have left? Will You love that piece with the same love that itself contains? Will you grow it and trust it that it can give you that love you so long for... only by giving it away again? You grow your children to give them to the world. You grow your heart to give it to your Love. The both of these, your child and your heart (sometimes synonymous!) you grow to give away, but you first give them to God. And because you've given them to God, because you are faithful and WORTHY, you can trust that they are both safe.

But I don't believe many people love like this nowadays- which is a shame. I think it's because people give up before they give their heart. There is a difference between discernment, testing the waters, waiting until the man/woman has proven themselves worthy of your heart, and just holding onto it indefinitely out of fear or greed.